Top 10 Benefits of Physical Activity That Will Inspire You to Move Today

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Benefits of Exercise

Looking for the top 10 benefits of physical activity? This list is guaranteed to inspire you to get active today!

Sometimes the idea of physical activity can be daunting. Nowadays everyone seems to have some type of physical tracker on their watch or phone to help motivate them get moving. Whether you are an avid gym go-er or someone who is looking to become more active, it’s no secret that the benefits of physical activity include better mental and physical health.

Now, you might be thinking, I’m not a big weight lifter. The great news is that you don’t have to be! The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends 1-3 hours of exercise per week. This doesn’t have to be time spent in the gym, it can also look like going for a brisk walk, practicing yoga, or playing your favorite sport! No matter what type of physical activity you choose, you are sure to reap many of the benefits listed below!

This post is all about the major benefits of physical activity and how moving your body a few times a week can positively impact your life!

Physical Activity vs. Exercise

Before we dive too deep into the benefits of physical activity, I want to make sure that we are on the same page about the difference between physical activity and exercise. Physical Activity literally means moving any part of your body. Exercise is a specific type of physical activity that is more structured and typically repetitive to help reach or maintain a goal. You don’t have to do vigorous exercise to feel the many benefits of more moderate or light physical activity! Both physical activity and exercise will help you lead a healthy lifestyle.

Top 10 Benefits of Physical Activity

1. Helps Posture

Physical activities like pilates, barre, strength training, and yoga really challenge you to strengthen your core. Truthfully, everything you do when it comes to moving your body should be done with a very specific form to prevent injury. Even aerobic exercise like running uses so much core strength! The more core work we do, the better our posture becomes as our core muscles provide the strength to keep us upright.

2. Strengthen Lungs

According to the Lung Health Institute, someone who exercises regularly “has a larger blood volume and better ability to extract oxygen from the lungs and blood”. Moving your body helps bring oxygen and other nutrients to your tissue and muscles. This also helps strengthen the tissue surrounding your lungs, which will help you perform better! While any physical activity will help your lungs, aerobic exercise (like running, cycling, and playing basketball) will strengthen your lungs so they can function at their best!

3. Aids in Weight Loss

Naturally, by moving your body more, you are burning more calories. Raising your heart rate while doing any type of physical activity will help to burn off more calories. While aerobic exercises and strength training will help the most if you are looking to lose weight, any type of physical activity will produce the same result over time.

4. Reduces Stress & Lowers Blood Pressure

Moving your body every day helps to reduce stress because you’ll be releasing more endorphins while (hopefully) taking your mind off of your daily stressors. Elevating your heart rate also allows your body to release a chemical called norepinephrine. This chemical helps you to deal with daily stressors. Just moderate to slightly intense activity is enough to raise your heart rate and help reduce stress!

5. Improves Sleep

After a long day with some physical activity, your body should feel tired enough to easily fall asleep. Often, falling asleep is half the battle. Daily physical activity (like yard work and walking) will keep you in your REM cycles once you’ve fallen asleep which helps us to wake up feeling well-rested and rejuvenated. Just be careful not to exercise too close to bedtime or you might have too much energy to fall asleep!

6. Improves Energy Levels and Mood

Anytime you are moving your body, you are releasing endorphins! Endorphins are a “feel-good” chemical created by your body when you feel pain or stress. When you exercise or do any physical activity, you start to feel some stress on your body and that’s when the endorphins come out.

7. Promotes A Longer Life

150 minutes of exercise and physical activity each week helps reduce the risk of many diseases which helps you to live a longer life. The more active you are, the longer you are expected to live. Regular exercise will also help keep your blood sugar and insulin levels in check. A German study even found that regular physical activity increases lifespan by 0.4-6.9 years! 

8. Strengthen Muscles

As expected, partaking in any physical activity strengthens muscles! The more active you are, the more your body will work certain muscle groups. Do you ever feel like you are sore in places you didn’t even know existed in your body after a workout or cleaning out the garage? Your muscles are learning how to work for you and strengthen as you move. The more repetition you do, the stronger your muscles will become!

9. Improves Sex Drive

Studies have shown that a little exercise goes a long way in the bedroom. Exercising helps promote blood circulation in our bodies while boosting our mood, both of which are key for an active sex life. Did you know that exercising also helps relieve stress and makes us feel more comfortable and confident? These are both factors that translate well in the bedroom. And if these weren’t great enough reasons to get up and get moving, studies have also found that excise helps with erectile dysfunction for men!

10. Reduces Risk of Heart Disease, Dementia, and Certain Cancers

Regular physical activity can help reduce blood pressure, maintain healthy sugar levels, and improve your cholesterol. Exercising promotes a healthier life by reducing your risk for many diseases and cancers. People who are physically active also are overall less likely to get sick and have stronger immune systems.

Hopefully, these 10 benefits of physical activity are enough to get you moving today!

Remember that there are MANY different ways to move your body under the umbrella of physical activity. Just get out there and get moving, even just for 10-20 minutes a day! Yes- you can live a healthy lifestyle with just 20 minutes of physical activity each day! You will reap the benefits listed above and many more!


Fearlessly Fit and Free Krysta

Hey! I’m Krysta and I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to living a bold and colorful life! I’m bringing you all my favorite fitness tips, healthy recipes, and personal growth tools to help you live your healthiest lifestyle!