10 ways exercise helps stress relief

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Best exercises to release endorphins

Are you looking for some help managing your stress? We’re covering 10 ways that exercise helps stress relief so you can start feeling more relaxed today!

It’s normal to get stressed going about your day. Sitting in traffic while you are running late to work, a big upcoming meeting or presentation, your kids fighting for your attention, trying to fit everything into the day and more are all huge stress factors in our lives. While there are a variety of ways to help reduce stress and anxiety in your life, there are numerous benefits to exercising for stress relief! The good news is that you don’t have to be an athlete to exercise, anyone can exercise! Yes, even beginners!

This post will share 10 ways that exercise helps stress relief to help you live a healthier and happier life!

Disclaimer: The contents of this post should not be construed as medical advice – It’s always a great idea to speak with your doctor before making any big changes.

10 Ways Exercise Helps Stress Relief

1. Takes your Mind Off of Your Daily To-Dos

I won’t lie, my favorite part of working out is that it truly shuts my brain off. I don’t think about all of the other things I could be doing or try to solve every problem that is causing me stress during my workouts. Instead, I’m too busy focusing on the moves that I am doing or how my body is ready to quit HA. Instead, I’m too busy giving myself a pep talk so that I can push through the exercise. If you haven’t worked out in a while, start slow and light. Maybe try a yoga class or pilates class. Take the modifications as you need them. I promise you’ll be too busy focusing on the actual workout to even think about anything else going on in your day!

2. Improves your Self-Confidence

You might be thinking – WHAT?! Believe it or not, working out can help make you feel strong and confident. The more you work out, the easier certain exercises will become. You’ll be able to do more reps or use heavier weights the more you continue to exercise. In turn, you will start to feel really good about your strength, your process, your achievements, and ultimately yourself!

3. Release more Endorphins

Endorphins are hormones that your body releases when it feels pain or stress. Contrary to the negative connotation you got reading that last sentence, endorphins are often known as feel-good hormones because they can act as a pain reliever and happiness booster! When you exercise your body releases endorphins. This is typically known as the “runner’s high” but anyone can feel it after pro-longed activity that increases their heart rate!

4. Improves your Mood

Along with releasing those feel-good hormones, you naturally start to feel happier and more uplifted. Those who work out in the morning – even just doing a light workout- are more likely to feel more energized throughout the day. When you move your body, you tend to just feel better and get out of any sluggish mood you are feeling!

5. Improves you Sleep

It’s normal to feel tired after a long workout. Your muscles need proper sleep to recover. Since you’ll be tired after a good workout, you’re actually more likely to fall asleep faster than those who don’t work out. In 2013 a study was conducted with people aged 23-60 that focused on the relationship between exercise and sleep. About 80% of people who exercised in any type of activity reported having good quality sleep as opposed to just 56% of people who didn’t exercise reported good sleep. You can read more about what the Sleep Foundation has found through various studies if you want more info! In turn, better sleep helps reduce stress, and falling asleep faster helps reduce the time your mind has to wander through all of the things that are causing you stress and anxiety.

6. Helps Decrease your Chance of Medical Issues

Stress can be caused by things that aren’t just work or family related. Often times we are stressed about what’s going on with our own bodies! I know I’ve had a freak-out or two over a weird heartbeat or random rash that google can’t tell me anything about! The more we stress about what could be wrong, the more we are creating extra stress on our bodies. Sadly, a study from 2013 found that 75-90% of doctor visits were for stress-related conditions such as heart disease, obesity, sleep issues, headaches, neck and back pain, and more. By working out and giving your mind that mental break, you are reducing the risk of potential effects on your body that stress can cause.

7. Feel Calmer and More Relaxed

Did you know that just 20-30 minutes of aerobic exercise has the ability to calm the mind and body for hours? I don’t know about you, but after I exercise, I generally feel energized, yet not jittery. Your mind is then a little clearer due to the meditative effect that exercising has on us. The best part is that we can all find just 20 minutes in our day to move our bodies!

8. Changes Your Hormone Response to Stress

Being physically active helps manage the way your body handles stress. As you remember from point number 3,  your body releases endorphins when you work out. Your body also releases serotonin and dopamine. These three things help drastically improve your mood and help your body react to stress better.

9. Be More Social

Working out with a friend helps you to stay more consistent, show up for yourself, and provides some human interaction. Even if you’re a self-proclaimed introvert, human interaction also helps to release endorphins. Bonus- if you are spending time with a friend, you can usually turn to them for support or have them be an ear to listen about the things that are causing you stress. Moving your body while getting a mini-therapy session that will help reduce stress and anxiety, talk about a win-win!

10. Reduce Cortisol Levels

Just as exercise releases more of our “good” hormones, it also helps to reduce cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone that plays a key role in the body’s response to stress. Cortisol is a strong hormone that also helps to suppress inflammation, regulates your blood pressure and blood sugar, and keeps your metabolism in check. Who knew a little stress could take your whole body out of check? By exercising a few times a week, you help your body reduce your cortisol levels which ultimately helps your body to regulate stress better. Cortisol affects almost every system in our body so it’s important to make sure you are taking time for yourself each day to reduce your stress!

This post was all about the 10 ways exercise helps stress relief and reduces anxiety.

Don’t believe me? Get out there and try it for yourself! No need to start running 5 miles a day tomorrow – just start slow! Maybe you make it a goal to work out twice a week for 30 minutes. Find activities or classes that you like to do. Starting anything will always be hard, but keep track of your progress! See if you notice the difference that exercising is making in relation to your stress levels.

If you are looking for some great workout ideas to get started, check out the articles below!


Fearlessly Fit and Free Krysta

Hey! I’m Krysta and I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to living a bold and colorful life! I’m bringing you all my favorite fitness tips, healthy recipes, and personal growth tools to help you live your healthiest lifestyle!