35 Examples of Intentions for Manifestation

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How to Set Intentions

Looking for examples of intentions for manifestation? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!

Manifestation has been a hot topic over the past couple of years. Maybe I’m just noticing it more as I moved through my late 20s. Maybe you’ve heard the word manifestation but don’t really understand how it relates to your life. Whatever the case, manifesting your dreams becomes more attainable when you set your intentions. Keep reading for all the ins and outs of manifesting the life you actually want to live!

This article will show you all the examples of intentions for manifestation so you can create the life of your dreams!

What is Manifestation

Before we dive in too deep, we have to talk about Manifesting! Manifestation is attracting something physical into your life that starts as an idea, a single thought. Have you ever heard the phrase, “what you focus on, you find?” Your brain is very powerful! Basically, through manifestation, you are bringing forth those thoughts and ideas and letting them out into the universe. Ultimately, whatever you are focusing your thoughts and energy on will come back to you.

Manifestation and Mindset

While manifestation can be positive, it’s important to check in with yourself and your own thoughts. Have you ever caught yourself in a negative thought pattern? I know I have – It’s hard to make friends in a new city, the train never comes on time, I am always late to work, the director sucks, the traffic is going to be awful, the list goes on and on! If want to make changes in your life that lead you closer to your dreams and goals, you have to start with your mindset!

Challenge for the Day: Check in with yourself today and see how many times you have negative thoughts creep into your mind. The first time I did this exercise, I was shocked, especially since I consider myself to be a positive person. As those negative thoughts come up, see how you can change them into a positive.

For example: “Ugh, I am going to be late because the train is stuck.” 

Change that into: “I am grateful to have an extra few minutes to read my book since the train is stuck”.

The book, “The Energy Bus” by Jon Gordon is a quick read for anyone who needs a little extra work on their mindset!

What is an Intention?

Ok, now that you’ve got manifestation and the importance of your mindset figured out, it’s time to talk about intentions. Intentions are the roadmap for your manifestations. By setting intentions, you are bringing yourself closer to your goals because you are stepping out into the world each day with the intent to act and attract. They don’t have to be big out-of-this-world thoughts. The idea is that these are feelings or smaller actionable steps that you can take today.

In doing some research around intentions, I found this description of what an intention is from  Chrisie Inge. She says intentions “are guideposts for why you want to ‘be’ and how you want to show up, instead of you what want to ‘do’ or accomplish.” While your goals are what drive your intentions, it’s not quite like a goal where you check something off you’re to-do list. It’s more of a mindful practice.

How do I Create Intentions?

First, list out your dreams and goals. Next think about who you have to become – what characteristics you need, what your thought patterns have to be, in order to be that person who achieves those goals. Take those thoughts to create your intentions. 

There are just two key factors that go into creating intentions for yourself. The first one is to create intentions around who you want to be. These are typically feelings or “I am” statements. The second equally important factor is to create intentions in the present tense – as if you already embody these feelings and characteristics. In relation to Manifestation, everything you say and think needs to be in the present tense because it tells the universe that you are already feeling and expecting what is to come. These are typically “I am” statements. You might completely understand me on this or think that I am totally crazy! To help you understand better, check out the 35 examples of intentions for manifestation below.

Examples of Intentions for Manifestation

  1. I am receiving abundance now in expected and unexpected ways.
  2. I have a millionaire mind and I am a money magnet.
  3. I am increasingly confident in my ability to create the life that I desire.
  4. I am prosperous,
  5. I am worthy of all the good things that can happen in my life.
  6. I am receiving infinite, inexhaustible, and immediate abundance.
  7. I am acting on inspiration and insights and I trust my inner guidance.
  8. I am giving and receiving all that is good and all that I desire. I 
  9. I am love. I am joy. I am happiness. I am abundance. I am wealth. I am healthy.
  10. I attract positive energy into my life.
  11. I attract abundance wherever I go.
  12. I am creating the life of my dreams.
  13. I am grateful for my life.
  14. I am worthy of my dreams.
  15. I am open to receiving all of the wealth that life offers me.
  16. I add value to the world.
  17. I am successful in everything that I do.
  18. I am attracting the right people and circumstances into my life.
  19. I am rich in all areas of my life.
  20. I set boundaries and respect them.
  21. I am creatively inspired by the world around me.
  22. I am open to receiving all of the wealth that life offers me.
  23. I trust myself to make the right decision.
  24. My mind is focused and I am ready to receive positive outcomes from the universe.
  25. My actions create constant prosperity.
  26. All of my thoughts are aligned with abundance.
  27. I release any limitations based on old negative thoughts.
  28. My mind is full of brilliant ideas.
  29. Money flows freely to me.
  30. I am a magnet for positivity, abundance, and blessings.
  31. I am overflowing with energy and joy.
  32. I visualize my dream life and watch as it manifests into reality.
  33. I accept all blessings, opportunities, wealth, goodness, love, prosperity, and light into my life.
  34. I accomplish anything that I focus on.
  35. I choose prosperity over failure.

This post showed you examples of intentions for manifestations so that you can start creating the life of your dreams faster!

Now that you have some ideas, you can start to make your own affirmations to create success in any area of your life! Feel free to use any of the ones listed above as you start to compile your own list. You should choose a few affirmations to carry with you each day. I find that 7-8 affirmations at one time are my sweet spot. I say them in my head on the way to the bus. I read them before bedtime. You can write them in your journal each day or say them aloud as you’re meditating or getting ready for work in the morning. Do whatever works best for you! Be sure to let me know what your favorite examples of intentions for manifestation are as well!


Fearlessly Fit and Free Krysta

Hey! I’m Krysta and I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to living a bold and colorful life! I’m bringing you all my favorite fitness tips, healthy recipes, and personal growth tools to help you live your healthiest lifestyle!