Day 14 – Russian Language in English

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Russian Language in English

The language of the day is Russian! Much like Bengali and Greek, Russian uses a different alphabet that isn’t read easily in English. This list of Russian language basics are written with the English alphabet so that you can easily learn!

The Russian Language Basics (in English):

Hi, I’m Krysta. (Informal) – Privet, Menya zovut Krysta.

Nice to meet you (informal)– Ochen’ priyatno

Thank you – Spasibo

Thank you very much  Bol’shoe spasibo

Please(d to be helpful) / You’re Welcome – pojaluista

Not at all (a problem)/you’re welcome – Ne za shto

Hello – Zdrástvujte

Hi (anyone your age or younger) – Privet

Until next time– Do svidaniya

Bye. See you later – Poka

Yes – Da

No– Net

Excuse me, Do you speak English?– Izvinite, vi govorite po-angliyski?

Russian Language Basics i
St Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russia has easily become one of the most photographed sites in Moscow.

Commonly Used Russian Slang

My favorite part of learning 30 different languages this month is actually learning all of the slang that each culture commonly uses. Check out a few of the most commonly used slang terms below!

  1. Babki
    1. Literal Meaning: Grandma’s
    2. Actual Meaning: money (ones informally only)
  2. Chuvak/Chuviha
    1. Literal Meaning: Dude/Dudette
    2. Actual Meaning: guy/gal, pal, mate etc.
    3. Fun fact – Chuviha actually used to mean prostate back in the 20s. Towards the late 1900s it became commonly know as “dudette/gal”
  3. Bomba
    1. Literal Meaning: Bomb
    2. Actual Meaning: the bomb! / Amazing!
  4. Mne do lampochki
    1. Literal Meaning: to me to the lightbulb
    2. Actual Meaning: I don’t care
  5. Da nu nafig!
    1. Literal Meaning: Oh fig!
    2. Actual Meaning: Eff it!
  6. Ato polnyi zashkvar!
    1. Literal Meaning: This is too much!
    2. Actual Meaning: This is insane!
  7. My tusim
    1. Actual Meaning: We’re hanging out / partying.

Checkout these other phrases that will have you speaking like a local! As always, let me know how your next conversation in Russian or next trip to Russia goes!




Fearlessly Fit and Free Krysta

Hey! I’m Krysta and I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to living a bold and colorful life! I’m bringing you all my favorite fitness tips, healthy recipes, and personal growth tools to help you live your healthiest lifestyle!