Happy February! Tonight’s workout features a 15 minute Fat Burner with ATHLEAN-X. This month’s challenge is all about mixing up my usual work-out routine! After last month’s 30 days of Pinterest Dinners, it was nice to switch gears. I have been working out with Matt and Riley from Beyond the Movements for 11 months now (crazy!) and as much as I love them and their workouts, I know I need to step outside of my comfort zone and mix it up this month.
The theme of week 1 is Getting Warmed Up! I went on the hunt for workouts to ease into this new month of working out and naturally took to Instagram to get some recommendations. This first workout was one of many recommended to me by a good friend who has taken me to some very intense workout classes in the past. When I saw this one I thought, I can handle 15 minutes of anything.
Equipment: NONE! Just your bodyweight.
The instructor, Jeff Cavaliere, offers a different workout for every level- Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced all within the same workout. It is a nice touch for ANY type of person who works out. I decided to go for intermediate as each level just has to do with how many rounds you do of the workout and for how many seconds. He makes it really easy to follow along, know which time marker your level is, and be able to see what exercise is coming next. I will say though that these workouts are NO JOKE and I don’t recommend them for someone who maybe works out once a week. Don’t be fooled by the time it takes to complete a workout. It just means that you are really packing in a high intensity workout in a short amount of time. This workout is Tabatta style which means short intervals of work and rest. This one is three rounds of four workouts per round. For the intermediate level, each exercise is 20 second of work and 10 seconds of rest before moving in the next activity.

I won’t even lie, I was only on the first round and I immediately regretted working out right beforehand with Matt. I already had a great workout and this was icing on the sweat cake. Upon completing the two rounds I had committed to, I was ready for a nice long shower!
Apparently everyone knows ATHLEAN-X (at least all dudes) and do their workouts too. All of the reviews were “It’s a killer workout”. Apparently Jeff is the former Mets Strength and Training coach which is why his workouts are so intense. They offer SO MANY FREE WORKOUTS over on YouTube. Definitely check them out if you are up for the challenge!

Overall Rating: This was CHALLENGING mentally to stay committed, just have to remind yourself it’s only for 20 seconds. When I watched the playback of the recording that I was ready to scrap, I actually looked way less dead on the outside than I felt on the inside! As I mentioned, I don’t recommend this for a true beginner – that is one way to be completely turned off from ever working out again. Otherwise you should definitely try it out! As Jeff says at the end, “This one is meant to bring you to your knees, don’t have shame about that. Just feel proud that you actually got through it.” Call me proud.
Workout: 15 Minute Fat Burner with ATHLEAN-X
Let me know if you try it and or like it!