Day 10 – Fijian Language

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Fijian Language

I am excited to learn Fijian as part of my 30 different languages this month since I am craving some island adventures! I don’t know about you, but I am all for a trip to Fiji once we start traveling again! What better time to learn such a fun language?

Official Languages of Fiji

There are 3 languages spoken in Fiji – English, Figian, and Hindu (very different that what is spoken in India). While most people speak English for government and tourism reasons, the official language is Fijian. About 54% of the population is fluent in Fijian, and yes the people will appreciate you taking an interest in their language!

The Basics

Hello – bula

Yes – io (pronounced ee-oh)

No – sega

Please – yalo vinaka, mada

Thank you – vinaka

Thank you very much – vinaka vakalevu

Good morning – (ni sa) yadra

Excuse me – tulou

I’m sorry – lomana

How are you? – Vacava tiko?

Goodbye – (ni sa) moce

See you later – Sota tale

Toilet – vale lailai

Come and eat – mai kana

Important Fijian words

The most important word in Fijian is Bula. Bula (pronounced boohlah) literally means life. People who speak Fijian, use Bula to great others. Wishing them life. Ni sa bula is a more formal greeting. It extends upon Bula and wished a person good health and happiness.

Vinaka is the second most important word in the Fijian language. It means thank you and comes in handy while traveling.

Sega na lea is the Fijian equivalent of “Hakuna Matata”. If you remember from Swahili, it means no worries!

And lastly, be sure to say Vainui vinake e nomu volau. It means have a safe journey and is often mentioned to visitors as they leave the Island.

Be sure to check out these other  useful Fijian words before your trip! See you in Fiji!




Fearlessly Fit and Free Krysta

Hey! I’m Krysta and I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to living a bold and colorful life! I’m bringing you all my favorite fitness tips, healthy recipes, and personal growth tools to help you live your healthiest lifestyle!