I have LOVED movies filmed in Greece just for their beautiful colors. Maybe it’s just because I love the ocean- the way the whites pop off the ocean in every film is enchanting. I am obsessed with the ocean If you missed that in yesterday’s Fijian basics. I want to learn Greek just so that I can spend every summer in Greece! Maybe a little unrealistic for today, but who knows? If you are dreaming of Greece as well, be sure to check out the basics below and all of the funny Greek sayings you need to know!
The Basics
The greek alphabet is also a series of letters that you wouldn’t be able to read with just a knowledge of English. I am putting the translation in terms of pronunciation for you.
Hi, I’m Krysta – Gia, legome Krysta. Or? íme i Krysta
Nice to meet you – Héro poli
How are you – Ti Kánis
Thanks very much – Efharistó
It’s nothing: Tipota
You are welcome– parakaló
Hi / Hello / Goodbye– Ya
Goodbye– Adío
Good day – Kalimera
Good Night – Kalinita
Excuse me, Do you Speak English? – signómi, Miláte agliká
Yes– Ne
No – óhi

Funny Greek Sayings
My favorite part of learning so many new languages this month, is learning the funny sayings that native speakers use. Of course they don’t typically translate as one would expect them to, making it hard to understand if you don’t know what they mean! Check out a few of my favorites below(Written in Greek Pronunciation):
- Plirose ti nifi
- Literal Meaning: He paid the bride
- Actual Meaning: He took the blame
- Siga ta lahana
- Literal meaning: Slow the cabbage
- Actual meaning: Big deal!
- Egine pita
- Literal Translation: He became a pie
- Actual Translation: He was very drunk
- Na mirise ta nihia mou
- Literal Translation – Should I sniff my nails?
- Actual translation: I am not a mind reader.
- Giname mallia kouvaria
- Literal Translation: We became yarn and balls
- Actual Translation: We had a big fight
- Mou eprixes ta sikotia
- Literal Translation: You have swollen my livers
- Actual Translation: You’re p*ssing me off
- Efaga olo ton kosmo na se vro
- Literal Translation: I have eaten the whole world to find you
- Actual Translation: I have looked everywhere for you
- Ta ekanes thalassa
- Literal Translation: You made it sea
- Actual Translation: You screwed it up
- Katse sta ayga
- Literal Translation: Sit on your eggs
- Actual Translation: Don’t do anything
- Brikia kolame?
- Literal Translation: Do we glue coffee pots?
- Actual translation: We know exactly what we are doing
This video actually has the FUNNIEST greek sayings I could have hoped to share with you!
This last one is my favorite because it is so ironic! I’m still laughing over it. Can’t wait to say that whenever I actually make it to Greece. Let me know if you have any of your own favorite Greek sayings as well!