Day 11 – Jazzercise Fit & Physical with Judi Sheppard Missett

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Jazzercise with Judi Sheppard Missett

It’s hard to believe we are already halfway through THROWBACK WEEK! In keeping up with the tone of the workouts, tonight’s class was Jazzercise. I will be honest, I had no idea Jazzercise was even a real thing until my friend mentioned it. Not only is Jazzercise an actual exercise category, it still is a big name in today’s workout world. Jazzercise was founded by Judi Sheppard Missett – the instructor of the class tonight. Rolling it all the way back to 1986, I was so ready for Jazzercise Fit & Physical!

What is Jazzercise?

I had to google this one too. It sounds self explanatory, a jazz dance class, but I wanted to be sure. Jazzercise is classified as a combination of aerobic exercise, HIIT Cardio, and Dance Fitness. Judi Sheppard Missett started Jazzercise all the way back in 1969! Who knew it has even been around that long?! I was also shocked to see a Jazzercise studio near me and a website pop up with jazzercise on demand in my google search. Apparently Jazzercise is more popular than I thought!

How was the class?

I won’t lie, I actually really enjoyed this one. So many people commented on the YouTube video that they were also LOVING this workout while quarantined at home. Like HELLO you can dance and jump around with fun music, brightly colored leotards and leg warmers, why not?! I just wish I had an outfit to go along with this class! I really enjoyed that even back in the 80s Judi knew that some people needed modifications and showed how to take it down a level if it was too much for you.

This was probably the first dance type of class that I have taken and actually been able to follow along. I’m not sure if it was truly easier to follow along or that I recognized some terms and moves from my dancing days. Judi Sheppard Missed was fun herself – she had great energy and kept mentioning how everyone should be smiling (similar to a dance class). This was also the first group class where the instructor didn’t have a posse in the background, the audience was on the floor while Judi was the only one on the stage. It’s hard to explain, but it actually felt like you were in the class with everyone else.


Overall Rating: You have to try this one! Jazzercise is great for all levels, from Just Getting Started  to I workout a lot. It’s only about 15 minutes of working out – she suggests pairing it with another Jazzercise class. I had just finished a core workout with Beyond the Movements so I left it at that. As someone who are up dancing, this brought back a lot of memories. It was fun to mix it up and definitely was a good cardio class.

Check out the class here as a stand alone workout or to compliment your other workouts for the day!

As always, let me know if you love it as much as I do!



PS – If you’re looking for another throwback workout, check out last nights Tae Bo Class with Billy Blanks!



Fearlessly Fit and Free Krysta

Hey! I’m Krysta and I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to living a bold and colorful life! I’m bringing you all my favorite fitness tips, healthy recipes, and personal growth tools to help you live your healthiest lifestyle!