Tuesdays are basically my Fridays since it’s the last day I have to work in the office for the week. I am truly enjoying a hybrid schedule. It’s nice to be in the office to get a few things done and socialize with someone other than Ben, otherwise I am all about that work from home lifestyle. Mondays and Tuesdays are my denim days – in other words, the only days I actually put jeans on.
What did you wear today?
Getting dressed was a struggle again this morning. I grabbed another pair pf Blank NYC Jeans and a top I purchased at Primark a few years ago. I couldn’t decide what shoes to wear so I threw on my shiny shoes. Not my best outfit, but who am I trying to impress here? In retrospect, I typically wear this top with white jeans and shiny sandals…a totally different look. Good enough for for today though.

After work I convinced myself it was perfect weather for a run. There is something about coming home after work that makes me not want to leave. I procrastinate and then usually talk myself out of it (maybe writing this article as I procrastinate🙃). I picked out the Victoria’s Secret leggings that I ran my first half marathon in, another PureMove Sports-bra by Reekbok, and a New Balance Tee that says “Sunday Runday”. It’s not Sunday and I don’t typically ever run in a t-shirt (tanks or long sleeves only) but the weather today called for a short sleeve tee.
Post run, Ben cooked one of our favorite Pinterest Dinners, Sweet Potato Bowls, while I showered. I went straight for the cozy clothes which should surprise no-one at this point. I actually bought these Lululemon leggings for my first half marathon from Poshmark with the impression that there was phone pocket on the leg. Clearly I was duped (hence the VS leggings that I actually wore running today) but was stuck with them. Now they are just casual apartment leggings.
What did you donate today?

After work I decided to take a look at all of my jeans because I couldn’t believe how many pairs of jeans I actually own. Spoiler Alert, it’s more that 10 pairs and that doesn’t include black or white jeans. Talk about denim for days. I pulled out every pair and tried them on to see if they were worth keeping. I came across a pair of jeggings that I purchased from American Eagle in 2015 and have probably worn a handful of times. They look fabulous, but they don’t have belt loops which makes it difficult to pull them up. Instead of donating these ones, I’ll probably list them on Poshmark first since they are in pretty good condition!
Today’s Key Takeaway
This wouldn’t be a proper blog post if there wasn’t a key takeaway here (other than pure entertainment of course).
This one isn’t a charity, but as I mentioned, Poshmark is a great place to see your gently used and never-worn clothing. I have been using Poshmark for a few years now and it’s so easy! You can even use their app to easily snap photos and create listings. Once your item sells, Poshmark sends you a shipping label and you just pop it in the mail the next day. After the buyer receives the order, your account will be credited. You can either leave it in your wallet or transfer the money to your bank account! I highly recommend selling your old clothing before donating it!
How are you cleaning your closet? Where are your favorite places to donate clothes? I’d love to hear more!