The Russian Language Basics (in English):
Hi, I’m Krysta. (Informal) – Privet, Menya zovut Krysta.
Nice to meet you (informal)– Ochen’ priyatno
Thank you – Spasibo
Thank you very much – Bol’shoe spasibo
Please(d to be helpful) / You’re Welcome – pojaluista
Not at all (a problem)/you’re welcome – Ne za shto
Hello – Zdrástvujte
Hi (anyone your age or younger) – Privet
Until next time– Do svidaniya
Bye. See you later – Poka
Yes – Da
No– Net
Excuse me, Do you speak English?– Izvinite, vi govorite po-angliyski?

Commonly Used Russian Slang
My favorite part of learning 30 different languages this month is actually learning all of the slang that each culture commonly uses. Check out a few of the most commonly used slang terms below!
- Babki
- Literal Meaning: Grandma’s
- Actual Meaning: money (ones informally only)
- Chuvak/Chuviha
- Literal Meaning: Dude/Dudette
- Actual Meaning: guy/gal, pal, mate etc.
- Fun fact – Chuviha actually used to mean prostate back in the 20s. Towards the late 1900s it became commonly know as “dudette/gal”
- Bomba
- Literal Meaning: Bomb
- Actual Meaning: the bomb! / Amazing!
- Mne do lampochki
- Literal Meaning: to me to the lightbulb
- Actual Meaning: I don’t care
- Da nu nafig!
- Literal Meaning: Oh fig!
- Actual Meaning: Eff it!
- Ato polnyi zashkvar!
- Literal Meaning: This is too much!
- Actual Meaning: This is insane!
- My tusim
- Actual Meaning: We’re hanging out / partying.
Checkout these other phrases that will have you speaking like a local! As always, let me know how your next conversation in Russian or next trip to Russia goes!