It’s Sunday which means shopping day! I am really missing my Trader Joe’s meals this week so I set out to find a weeks worth of Trader Joes dinners. Pinterest has so many cool mix and match ideas for different products that Trader Joe’s offers. Clearly I’m not the only TJs fan out here. I was SO excited when I was making my menu and saw fajitas but Ben requested a meatless dinner tonight so the fajitas are pushed until Thursday. I did find this awesome zoodles recipe (not Trader Joes inspired though) and I LOVE that Trader Joe’s has zoodles already prepared for an easier night of cooking!

Ingredients: Like I mentioned, we skipped the chicken on this one and added broccoli and red pepper in to balance out all of that zucchini. minor adjustment- I did 2 tablespoons of sugar instead of 3 tablespoons. I also always forget to look for sesame seeds and always regret it when cooking.

Since we skipped the chicken, I changed up the order of cooking – we started with the red pepper, broccoli, and pineapple in the frying pan. Ben watched over that while I put the sauce together. The sauce was fairly easy and ready to pour on top of the veggies within minutes. We let the sauce bubble briefly as the recipe mentioned and then added the zoodles last. She made a big point of only cooking them for 1-2 minutes if you wanted to cook them – probably so they didn’t get too mushy.

Overall Rating: It felt very light yet also very filling! Ben was happy with a meatless meal and thought it was pretty tasty. I make a similar stir-fry sauce with a bit of a different flavor so this was slightly disappointing comparatively, but overall very tasty! Ben agreed that sesame seeds would have put the final touch on this meal while I was the one who actually added a little parmesan cheese to this (it was great btw). Ben says we should add it to our weekly rotation but I think this one might be a bi-weekly dinner for me.
Let me know if you try it as the original recipe or with your own modifications!