Today I took on Chloe Ting and her Abs in 2 Weeks video. I’ve been hearing about Chloe Ting since last March so I knew I had to try one of hers this week !After yesterday’s TikTok Workout, I was very on the fence to try something I hadn’t previously checked out before.
Who is Chloe Ting?
Chloe Ting is a 30ish year old from Australia. She is a retired Actuarial Analyst who found fitness to be a more fulfilling passion. While she has had her Youtube Channel for quite a few years, she blew up in 2020 with the help of TikTok when people started posting about her “challenges”.
Chloe Ting provides free workout series on her website (which all feed back into YouTube). I came across the Youtube video first and then found her website from there. Chloe Ting has over 16 million Youtube subscribers and has even won a couple of YouTube Awards. It is important to note that Chloe Ting is NOT a Certified Professional Trainer as opposed to many of the other YouTube videos that I have been reviewing. She doesn’t have perfect form (but hey, neither do I). If you are more of a beginner, it will be hard to follow someone who doesn’t model proper form for you.
Can you really get Abs in 2 Weeks from this video?
Today I took on Chloe Ting and her Abs in 2 Weeks video. I’ve been hearing about Chloe Ting since last March so I knew I had to try one of hers this week !After yesterday’s TikTok Workout, I was very on the fence to try something I hadn’t previously checked out before.
Can you really get Abs in 2 Weeks from this video?
I am going to say probably not. Chloe Ting has created an amazing following and community with amazing before and afters, very similar to Kayla Itsines BBG community. To be fair, this workout is one of a few that you are supposed to do all at one time, not just thee short ten minute one that you are watching. She links the videos in the comments that focus on toning and strengthening other parts of the body. These are also all broken down on her website.

Chloe Ting does also include this disclaimer at the end of the description, which I found interesting. As someone who is learning SEO – search engine optimization as part of the ins and outs of blogging, I can understand the catchy video title. She does make it pretty clear that it is false advertising and just there to catch your eye. I wasn’t mad about it, but I didn’t love it either.
How was Chloe TIng’s actual Abs in 2 Weeks video?
This workout was a pretty jam-packed 10 minutes. You do two back to back moves followed by a 10 second rest before moving onto another two moves. It is definitely a challenging workout, especially if you are a beginner or do more cardio as opposed to strength training. I really like the format of her videos. You can easily see what exercise is coming next. She also includes a countdown clock in the opposite corner to help follow along. Chloe Ting also offers modifications which are always appreciated!
Would you do it again?
Overall Rating: I actually am really curious to try out one of her two week plans. I like that her website breaks down ALL of the different workout segments AND pre/post stretch videos that need to be done each day. It is very nicely laid out and VERY easy to follow along. I do think my abs will be sore tomorrow and I did appreciate a few new exercises that I haven’t done before in other classes!
Check out the Chloe Ting Abs in 2 Weeks Video here!
If you are interested in Chloe Ting’s different programs, be sure to check them out on her website as well!
Let me know what you think if you try her videos as well!