Tonight I am taking on learning all of the Swedish Basics I would need to survive a week in Sweden. Ben’s family is part Swedish, which inspired tonight’s learning session! I found this 20 minute video on YouTube to teach me everything that I needed to know! What would we do without YouTube?! I don’t know why I didn’t think to look on Youtube for my Spanish lesson yesterday
Swedish Basics
Hi, I’m Krysta. Nice to meet you. – Her, jag heter Krysta. Trevligt att traffäs.
Hey – Hej!
Good Morning – God morgon
Good Day – God dag
Good Evening– God Kväll (pronounced good krell)
Goodbye– hej Då (pronounced hey Doa)
Be Well, See you soon – Ha det bra, vi ses (pronounced vee sea-as) – what you say when leaving for a long time
Thank you – Tack.
Thank you very much – Tack så mycket.
Your Welcome – Varsågod
No Problem – Ingen Fara (INE-GEN Far-a)
Yes– Ja
No– Nej
If you are completely lost and want to know if someone in Sweden speaks English, this is your key phrase:
Ursäkta mig, kan du tala engelska? It translates to excuse me, do you know English? This may save you one day! (pronounced Er-shek-ta meh)
I was surprised at how sharp the language sounded when the girl spoke in the video. Some of the language seems to be phonetic but not all of it (much like English I suppose).

Swedish Slang
Now to the fun stuff! Sweden loves quick witty phases. Check out these slang terms to mix in with your Swedish basics!
Sockergris – “Sugar Pig” aka someone with a sweet tooth
Skvallercentral – Someone who gossips a lot
Den är pan – translates “to this is pie” but actually means that something is broken
Sjukt – Incredibly/totally
Kopparslagare – hungover with a really bad headache
These terms are so funny. I hope you enjoyed learning the Swedish Basics and Swedish slang as much as I did. Let me know your favorite phrases below and how you use Swedish next!