I will be honest, I have never had gnocchi before, let alone cauliflower gnocchi. I wasn’t sure how this would turn out, but I know anything with pesto has to taste good.
Ingredients: I was a little skeptical when I picked up the package of cauliflower gnocchi at the store- it is pretty small but figured it would be fine. I picked up some cherry tomatoes and parmesan cheese and was ready to go.

I figured this would be hard to mess up, although I was slightly incorrect. The first step is to cook the gnocchi in the frying pan which involves adding water and then adding oil once the gnocchi has soaked up the water. While this seems easy, I definitely messed this one up somehow. The gnocchi was sticking to the frying pan and to each other. I googled it just to make sure and all of the photos had these beautiful golden brown gnocchi pieces. I really don’t know where I went wrong here but just kept rolling with it.

I topped with a couple spoonfuls of pesto and some chopped cherry tomatoes when I decided to call the gnocchi done. I placed them in them in our bowls and was shocked at how little we each had – definitely needed salad with this dinner. We topped with parm and had dinner ready within 20 minutes!

Overall Rating: “I would eat this again if It wasn’t filled with sodium”. That’s my guy. Ben also said “It’s good, it tastes like there is meat in it”. He loves a good meatless meal with meat filled vibes. I thought it had a lot of flavor (probably just the pesto) but struggled with the texture of the gnocchi. I have ALWAYS been a picky eater and texture is a major determining factor in what I am willing to consume.
There wasn’t a true recipe for this one, really just a photo. I’ll drop the ingredients below!
- Cauliflower Gnocchi (frozen at TJs)
- Cherry Tomatos
- Pesto
- Parmesan Cheese
- Follow cooking directions on back of gnocchi package for stove top
- Cut cherry tomatoes in small pieces
- When gnocchi is done cooking, add two spoonfuls of pesto and cherry tomatoes
- Top with Parmesan cheese when serving!
Recipe yields enough food for 1-2 people.