Day 24-27 Running on Vacation

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Running on Vacation Pemaquid Point Maine

This past weekend, I was lucky enough to escape to Maine for a long weekend!  I know what you’re thinking, enjoy your vacation! There is no running on vacation, right? WRONG! The best time to keep disciplined and on top of your workout schedule is when you are on vacation! I know it might sound crazy, but I promise you’ll feel better! These reasons for running on vacation will have you moving in no time!

5 Best reasons to keep Running on Vacation

1. Routine

I know this sounds silly, but the best reason to keep a routine while on vacation is so that you don’t fall out of the habit. It’s so easy to go on vacation and say well “it’s vacation!” People tend to eat, drink, and sleep how they want to, but it just makes it all harder to get back into your routine when the vacation is over.

2. Explore New Places

Running on vacation can allow you to really take it all in and explore all that the town or city has to offer. You might even run past some friendly neighbors or find some restaurants you want to try while you are there! The best part about running on vacation is getting to see the culture of the neighborhood.

Running in Pemaquid Point Maine
Running along the ocean may be my new favorite spot to run!

3. Mix Up Your Course

Running in a new place is a great way to change up your scenery and terrain! Running here in Maine involves dirt roads, a little extra elevation, and of course, way more wind than running my usual routes at home! It’s a great time to try running through the woods or on a beach if you haven’t done that before. Both are more challenging than just running on your normal route and can help you in the long run! – No pun intended!

Run on Dirt Roads Pemaquid Point Maine
This private dirt road in Maine made for an interesting and more challenging terrain to run on this weekend

4. Take a breather

No matter who you are on vacation with, you there is a chance you are going to need a break from them. As adults, we are all so used to having some alone time whether just driving in our car or commuting to work, to being home at night without a roommate or partner for an hour, alone time is crucial! Running while on vacation will give you that freedom to break away from the group and reap the benefits of running, especially clearing your mind!

Hopefully this motivates you to bring those running shoes on your next vacation! I want to see you running on your vacation! Don’t forget to check out other running tips for the month here!

Let me know your favorite places to run that aren’t in your hometown!




Fearlessly Fit and Free Krysta

Hey! I’m Krysta and I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to living a bold and colorful life! I’m bringing you all my favorite fitness tips, healthy recipes, and personal growth tools to help you live your healthiest lifestyle!