Day 28 – Dancer’s Pilates with Julianne Hough and Blogilates

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Dancer's Pilates with Julianne Hough and Blogilates

Today is the last day of February and I can’t even believe how fast this month as flown! We are wrapping up this month of 28 Different Workouts with Blogilates Dancer’s Pilates with Julianne Hough. I found Blogilates on Youtube while on my the hunt for different fitness classes. I actually came across a video she did on bloating that piqued my interest and then YouTube started showing me her fitness videos. Fast forward to today when I stumbled across this gem featuring Julianne Hough in a co-taught Dancer’s Pilates class with Blogilates!

What is Blogilates?

Blogilates is a Fitness Blog and Youtube Channel featuring Cassey Ho. Cassey Ho is an award-winning fitness instructor, entrepreneur and online personality. She focuses on making fitness more fun! She developed her own class format, POP Pilates©, has launched an app, book, and own activewear line, POPFLEX. You can find classes through her app, YouTube, and her website.

How was the class?

This class actually reminded more more of a barre class than a pilates class, but it definitely had more of a pilates structure if that makes sense? I often find that I don’t sweat quite as much in a pilates class than a barre class, but hey, I am NOT complaining! Julianne Hough was the guest in today’s class. I felt underdressed as they both had on pink/blue matching sets – next time. Dancer’s Pilates included a quick leg section, abs, and arms for a 20 minute full body workout.

Cassey interviewed Julianne as they worked out making for an entertaining class. It also is a nice distraction from the actual exercises. Don’t be fooled by those small movements, they make a BIG impact on your muscles. You will be feeling the burn within fifteen seconds of each exercise!

Would you do it again?

Overall Rating: I really liked the class style for this video and enjoyed the small movements. I have veered more towards barre in recent years but will never forget my first love when it came to “working out”, pilates.

You can find the Dancer’s Pilates Workout here!

Let me know if you try this one and love it as much as I do!



Fearlessly Fit and Free Krysta

Hey! I’m Krysta and I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to living a bold and colorful life! I’m bringing you all my favorite fitness tips, healthy recipes, and personal growth tools to help you live your healthiest lifestyle!