Day 29 – Baked Italian Chicken and Veggies

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This dinner caught my eye with it’s step by step pictures all in just the actual pin on Pinterest. It looked doable and delicious. I was all in! Although we are only on Day 29, tonight is January 31st and the FINAL Pinterest Inspired Dinner. This month has been so much fun trying out so many different recipes! Re-cap to follow with our absolute favorite ones!

Forgot the Mozzarella Cheese and Bacon in the picture!

Ingredients: This one was pretty easy in terms of ingredients. Chicken, 1 zucchini,  a handful of cherry tomatoes, a can of artichoke hearts, a couple slices of bacon, mozzarella cheese, salt and basil. The canned Artichoke Hearts were the only challenge of today but we found them! There is a blizzard starting in NYC tonight so the grocery stores were INSANE (I seriously almost parked my car on the street because there wasn’t any room in the parking lot). I added a little parmesan cheese in tonight because who doesn’t love a little extra parm? One thing I loved about this recipe was that she encouraged using up any veggies you have in your fridge, very versatile for any type of picky eater you may encounter.

Step 1- Lay Chicken, Sprinkle Basil and Salt, top with Zucchini
Step 2 - Layer on Cherry Tomatoes, and Artichoke Hearts

This one was fairly easy prep wise, I put the chicken in a casserole dish and topped with salt and Basil. I added chopped zucchini, cherry tomatoes cut in halves, and artichoke hearts cut into fourths. Ben was hesitant about the bacon so we decided that two strips of bacon would be enough (compared to the six she recommends in her recipe). We microwaved it (I know I know, so not my style) to pre-cook and added it to the casserole dish.  We topped with mozzarella cheese AND Parmesan cheese before popping it in the oven for 30 minutes at 375°F.

Dinner is Served!

Overall Rating: “I really like it, one of my top favorites”. Ben really enjoyed this one. I thought it was very tasty too but not one of my top favorites. It had great flavor and the chicken was perfectly cooked (It’s SO EASY to overcook!)

Let me know if you try it as is or with other veggies!

Original Recipe:




Fearlessly Fit and Free Krysta

Hey! I’m Krysta and I’m your biggest cheerleader when it comes to living a bold and colorful life! I’m bringing you all my favorite fitness tips, healthy recipes, and personal growth tools to help you live your healthiest lifestyle!