I am a huge believer in post run stretches to help your muscles recover after any workout. We’ve all been there – you squeeze in a run between work and dinner plans and there isn’t time to stretch before you hop in the shower. The sad reality is that skipping a post run stretch isn’t so great for your body.
Static Stretches
Yesterday, we talked about Dynamic Stretches for a pre-run warmup. Today we are covering the benefits of Static Stretches in a post-run cool down. Static stretches are ones that are held for longer. They help aid in muscle recovery by lengthen your muscles and restore mobility.
How soon after running should you stretch?
You should always walk after a run to help slow your muscles down between running and stretching. You should stretch within 15 minutes of wrapping up a run for best muscle recovery. Your muscles will be able to release the tension created during your run. Stretching can improve blood circulation to get nutrient rich blood to your muscles to kick-start the repair process!
How long should you hold a stretch?
For all of the stretches that you will see below, you can hold for 15 or 30 seconds. According to Harvard Health, you should spend a total of 60 seconds on each stretch for optimal muscle recovery. If you do a stretch for 30 seconds, be sure to repeat it after switching sides for the full 60 second stretch!
8 Best Post Run Stretches
1. Standing Quad Stretch

This is the same classic “Ya, I’m a runner” stretch from the pre-run stretches . It helps open up your hip flexors and stretch your quadriceps. You can hold onto a wall of chair for support if needed. You can also do this one laying down on your side if that is easier too!
- Bend one knee backwards and grab your foot or ankle from the outside
- Pull your foot towards your butt and count to 10 and switch sides
- Be sure to keep your head, neck, and torso in an upright straight line
2. Low Lunge

This stretch gives your hip flexors and quads a little extra love after working so hard during your run!
- Start in a kneeling position and put one leg in front
- Lean into the front leg
- Be sure to keep your front leg out far enough so that your knee stays in line with your ankle. Keep your hips parallel while pushing into the front leg and keep your head lifted
- Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite side
3. Hip Flexor Stretch

This one is similar to the low lunge and gives both your hip flexors and your back quads a little stretch.
- From the Low lunge position, lift your back foot.
- Use your hand to pull your foot towards your bum while continuing to lean forward – use a pillow under your back knee if it hurts.
- Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite side
4. Half Split

The half split stretches out your hamstrings and calves!
- From the lunge position, straighten out your front leg, pushing your hips back
- Lean forwards placing your hands on the ground or yoga blocks
- Flex your toe towards the ceiling and hold for 30 seconds before repeating on the opposite leg
5. Glutes Stretch

This one is perfect for stretching out the glutes after any run.
- Sit down with your legs out in font of you. Cross your left leg over your right
- Twist your top half of your body the left
- Place your right arm on the outside of your left knee and hold for 30 seconds
- Repeat on the opposite side
6. Supine Hamstring Stretch

This one is ideal for the hamstrings of course!
- Lay down flat and kick one leg up to the ceiling
- Use your hands to gently pull your leg closer to your chest
- Hold the stretch for 30 seconds before switching legs
7. Forward Fold IT Band Stretch

This helps relive tension or tightness along your IT band. As you do this exercise, you’ll feel the stretch along the side of your thighs.
- Cross one leg over your other leg
- Hinge forward from you hips. Lengthen your spine as you forward fold and hold for 30 seconds before switching sides
8. Calf Stretch

This calf stretch will help release the tension in your claves and it’s pretty easy to do too!
- Flex one foot to the ceiling
- Bend forward and push your hips back
- You can place your hands on the floor or on blocks and hold for 30 seconds
- Repeat on the opposite leg
Let me know your favorite post run stretches! Be sure to check out all of the other fun running tips and tricks this month. 3 miles down, (at least) 27 more to go!