Today is the last cleanse day of our 11 Day Shred. I decided to take it a little easier today and just go for a walk with a friend and find a Melt Method class. I discovered MELT Method on Classpass in later 2019 and immediately fell in love! A studio in my little town offered classes once a week so I made sure to get in when I could so that I would quite literally melt away all of the stress and tension I was holding in my body. I loved the classes SO MUCH that I even asked for a Melt Method set for Christmas that year. Like most things we buy but also experience in other places, my Melt balls have sat at home in the bag for far too long.
Equipment: As I mentioned, you need a soft MELT ball for this one, but that’s it! They are about 1-1/2” in diameter and you can get a knock off version on amazon for a little cheaper, but I reviewers say that it’s just not the same.
So what does melt stand for in MELT Method?
Sue Hitzmann developed a self-treatment system to manipulate and rehydrate the connective tissue. (MELT stands for Myofascial Energetic Length Technique.) Once you learn the method, she said, just 10 minutes three times a week is all you need. MELT Method targets back pain, stress, digestive issues, low energy, insomnia, weight gain, and achey joints.
I found a soft ball treatment on YouTube that was 15 minutes and was good to go! I got through one foot and then Ben wanted to try it out too, but not on camera (I have been recording all of my workouts with the intention of sharing it in a fun way – more to come there). He got a ball and thought it was too soft and went for the hard ball, which of course was too hard. My relaxing, decompressing recovery session took a turn real fast.

How Does the Class work?
One of the things that I love about MELT Method is that the program is designed to show you what is currently happening in your body and what happens when you break up that facia that holds all the gunk and stress in our body. The instructor really speaks to all of it as she goes. You do a self evaluation at the beginning of thee class, in the middle to really see the difference that little ball has made on just one side of your body, and at the end when you have completed the treatment on both sides.
Overall Rating– I feel great – I am feeling way less tension in my legs and feet and overall body. I highly recommend for anyone who wants to do something relaxing but doesn’t have the energy to do a full on yoga class (TBH I get pretty bored in yoga, this is way more stimulating). I am also more scientific, so I enjoy hearing about which part of my feet are helping my digestion and are loosing up my lower back and hips as we go through the session.
Link to Workout:
Let me know if you try it and love it as much as I do!