Before I started my month of 30 Different Languages, I took to Instagram to see what languages I should learn. A few suggestions for Italian came up, so I knew I had to learn it! I scoured the internet to find the 18 words and phrases in the Italian language that you need to know before traveling to Italy!
The Basics
Hi, I’m Krysta. (Informal) – Ciao, sono Krysta
Nice to meet you (informal)– Piacere di conoscerti.
Hi, I’m Krysta Kalajian. Nice to meet you (formal)-Good morning, I’m Krysta Kalajian. Nice to meet you (formal) – Buongiorno, sono Krysta Kalajian. Piacere di conoscerla.
Good Morning- Buongiorno
Please – Per favore
Thank you – Grazie
Thank you very much (a million) – Grazie mille
You’re Welcome – Prego
Hi (informal) – Ciao
Hi (formal) – Buongiorno (use until evening) / Buonasera (use at night)
Good-bye (informal) – Ciao
Good-bye (formal) – Arrivederci
See you soon – A presto
Yes – Si
No– No
Excuse me, Do you speak English? Mi scusi, parla Inglese?
I am sorry, I don’t speak Italian very well – Mi dispiace, ma non paro bene l’italiano.
I don’t understand – Non capisco
Be sure to checkout this awesome YouTube video that taught me all of the Italian Language words (and how to pronounce them) that you need to know!

Italian Idioms
My favorite part of learning so many new languages this month, are learning the funny sayings that get tossed around so easily. Of course they don’t typically translate as one would expect them to, making it hard to understand if you don’t know what you are looking for! These are the best Italian Idioms I found:
- In bocca al lupo
- Literal Translation: In the mouth of the wolf
- Actual Translation: Good luck, break a leg!
- Avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca
- Literal Translation: to have a full bottle of wine and a drunk wife
- Actual Translation: to have your cake and eat it too
- Non vedo l’ora
- Literal Translation: Can’t see the time
- Actual Translation: I can’t wait!
- Reggere la candela
- Literal Translation: to hold the candle
- Actual Translation: TO bee the third wheel
- Fa un freddo cane
- Literal Translation: It’s dog cold
- Actual Translation: It’s freezing cold
- Ubriaco come una scimmia
- Literal Translation: Drunk like a Monkey
- Meaning: To be wasted
Let me know your favorite Italian language words and other sayings as well!