Today is Ben’s Birthday! 🥳 This means we are actually going out to eat together for the first time since November. This definitely calls for a birthday outfit! Now what to wear…
What did you wear today?
OK, so let’s be real. I wore workout clothes for about 75% of today. Wednesdays-Fridays I work from home, and do workout classes at 12:15 and 5:30 with Beyond the Movements. There really isn’t a point in putting on “real clothes” just to change again.
I threw on my favorite pair of Old Navy Elevate Leggings that I was raving about two days ago. I am telling you, these high waisted leggings always stay put and have great compression. The best part is that you can usually find them for $12.99 I thew on a neon yellow sports bra (that I’ve had since high school and stills holds up well) and a loose cropped Under Armour tank. My workout clothes are always black, white, and grey, or bright neons- nothing in between.

During the day I tend to get cold so I usually throw one a sweatshirt between workouts. Since I am trying to get through all of my clothes this month, I am really fighting thee urge to wear my favorites. It’s like food where I always try to save the best part for last, anyone else do this?! I picked up this sweatershirt at a Uniqlo after running a half marathon in Disney in 2019. You would think I would be so hot after, but nope! I honestly felt awful and was freezing. I popped into a Uniqlo in Downtown Disney (maybe actually not called that anymore?) and snagged this large cropped hoodie for $10. I love a good oversized cozy sweatshirt! I really thought this would be a one and donate kind of hoodie, but I actually LIVED in it for the first few months of the pandemic as it was one of the few items of clothing that I actually had with me.
What about the Birthday Outfit??
On to the good stuff! I was excited to finally wear something fun from my closet tonight! It was a beautiful day and I thought tonight was the night! I decided on a black wrap shirt that I purchased from SHEIN a few years ago. There clothes are ALWAYS hit or miss, but I used to order a big haul and then return the stuff that didn’t fit right. This shirt I actually loved and used to be one of my favorites for a Saturday night in the city. I know the last night I wore it was in November 2019 and a welcome back to the city evening, CRAZY! I threw on my favorite Blank NYC Jeans and shiny slip-ons and added a leather jacket on top. Let me tell you, the leather jacket was key because it really cooled down after the sun set! Birthday outfit was a success and for two hours, we had the pleasant experience of actually forgetting that we were in the middle of a pandemic. 😀

What did you donate?
Always the big question of the day! Today I parted ways with the pair of pants that I wore around the city to interviews in 2015! These pants were with me when I landed my first job in NYC! Hard to believe how far my career has gone in just 6 years!

Today’s Key Takeaway
This wouldn’t be a proper blog post if there wasn’t a key takeaway here (other than pure entertainment of course). Since we are on the topic of job interviews, I found that you can donate any professional clothing to Dress for Success!
Dress for Success is a non-profit that provides low-income women with business casual clothing from the interviewing stage to becoming fully employed! They started in 1997 and have since helped more than 1.2 million women from 25 different countries find employment and expand their careers.
How are you cleaning your closet? Where are your favorite places to donate clothes? I’d love to hear more!