Welcome to throwback week, Day #2: TRX Suspension Training! For those of you who missed Day 1, Jane Fonda’s Aerobics and Abs was a true blast from the past. Today however, I was looking for something a little closer to my usual workouts. Enter TRX Suspension Training!
Equipment: You just need the TRX system for this one! Thankfully Ben has all of this workout equipment that he contributed to the apartment when we moved in together. He didn’t have any furniture or even pots and pans, but he did bring a barely used TRX and set of Bowflex dumbbells (both of which I have never seen him use). This was my first time setting up a TRX so I had to YouTube an instruction video to make sure I did it right!
What exactly is TRX Suspension Training??
TRX is short for Total Resistance Exercise. TRX was created by former U.S. Navy SEAL, Randy Hetrick in the mid nineties. He was deployed in Southeast Asia and naturally was missing 4 walls filled with gym equipment. Hetrick had to get creative! He accidentally had stuffed a jiu-jitsu belt in his duffel and decided to tie it in a knot and throw it over the door to do some presses. The official TRX System as we know it today was launched in 2005. It is a suspension system that is very lightweight, has two adjustable straps with hooks for your hands/feet, and an over the door stopper for indoor use and a clip for outdoor use.
Where do I even start?
Once you have your system, set it up! I recommend using a door with a large open space. I unfortunately live in your typical NYC apartment so the only door I have is directly across from my bathroom. It was a tight squeeze and I definitely had to modify slightly, but still made it work! You can also tie the system to a tree or a secure playground bar for an outdoor workout.

I found FIT by Larie’s video on YouTube for a 45 minute TRX Total Body Workout. She also includes the words “Challenging” and “Advanced Suspension Training” at the end of the very long video title which was most definitely overlooked in choosing a workout tonight. I had been to a TRX gym a couple of years ago through ClassPass and really loved the workout even though it totally kicked my butt! After skimming through the comments, I knew this video would be extremely similar but in a good way!
I really liked the instructor, Larie! She easily broke down the set before starting each one and showed you exactly what you should and shouldn’t be doing. This class consists of alternating strength and Tabatta style cardio sets. She is extremely easy to follow along with and included my personal favorite – kept a running clock on the side. I can’t possibly be the only person who constantly checks to see how much time is left when working out. She did not include a warm up on this video but did a quick cool down at the end. Ben so kindly informed me after the fact that it was a very loud workout (sorry downstairs neighbors!) Apparently the TRX piece that was behind the door kept knocking the door into the frame. Tip- Use a doorframe that has less gap between the door and the frame.
So Should I try this?
Overall Rating: YES! TRX is a great low impact full body workout. I will definitely be SO sore tomorrow! I also liked Larie’s video so much that I decided to check out her YouTube channel. She offers a variety of classes using different equipment and some that just require body weight. She offers workouts anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour. Her classes range from yoga to pre/postnatal workouts and Barre and then jumps into HIIT, full body, dumbbell, and resistance band workouts as well. I think I may have just found the human form of ClassPass!
Check out the full class here: https://www.youtube.com/TRX-workout
Be sure to also checkout Larie’s Youtube Channel for so many other awesome classes if TRX isn’t up your ally.
As always, let me know if you love it as much as I do!