If you’ve been following along this month, you might have seen me rambling about practicing gratitude. The main questions I am sure you’re asking is “Why is it important to be grateful”. It’s one of those things that our parents always talk about when we were kids, but doesn’t really stick until we are adults.
What is gratitude?
Before we start, it’s important to understand what exactly gratitude is. You might remember your parents or some tv show saying to count your blessings – but what exactly does that even mean and why should you even do it?! Gratitude is a practice of being appreciative for what one has in their own life. It is a state of being. It is taking the time to really appreciate all the things you have in your own life and even finding the good in every tough situation you may encounter. This leads me to my next point…
Why is it important to be Grateful for everyday things?
We often think of gratitude when it comes to the bigger things in life. “I am so grateful to have gotten into my dream college”. “I am so grateful to have watched a Red Sox game on the Green Monster.” While it is great to be thankful for the exciting moments and milestones in our lives, it is SO important to be grateful for the most basic things in life. The basics are what keep us living through our day to day lives. When you can be grateful for the everyday things in your life, you start to attract more good things into your life. By appreciating the small stuff, you also immediately change your attitude. You can’t be miserable when you’re feeling grateful!
What are some everyday things I can be Grateful for?
There are so many reasons to be grateful every single day. If you aren’t sure what you can be grateful for, be sure to check-out 30 different gratitude prompt ideas to help get your wheels turning! Here are some of the easiest things to be grateful for each day:
- I am grateful that the sun rises each day.
- I am grateful that I have running water to brush my teeth, flush the toilet, shower, clean my home, to cook, and to stay hydrated.
- I am grateful to be able to drive / bus / train to work safely each day.
- I am grateful to have long, strong, healthy, beautiful hair and nails.
- I am grateful to be able to move my body each day.
- I am grateful to have electricity in my home to see in the dark, to cook dinner, and enjoy a tv show.
- I am grateful that all of my technology (phone, smartwatch, laptop, and computer) works seamlessly each day.
- I am grateful to be able to read and write.
- I am grateful to have graduated high school and work at a job that I am passionate about to earn money for myself (and my family).
- I am grateful to live in a safe a secure home.
There are SO MANY simple everyday things that you can be grateful for each day. It is crucial to be grateful for the simple stuff because it really makes you stop and think about how great your life is already. It is easy to get caught up in the fact that this could be better or that could be different, but once you start practicing gratitude your mindset starts to change.

So What are 5 Benefits to being Grateful?
While there are many benefits to practicing gratitude each day, these are some of my favorites.
- Your Mindset changes INSTANTLY. Have you ever been in a grumpy mood, or find yourself annoyed with a co-worker or family member? Take a minute to say three things that you are grateful for in your head. You can’t be upset when you are in a state of gratitude. If changes your mood and is a great exercise to combat the day-to-day frustrations.
- Practicing Gratitude reduces stress. Taking ten to fifteen minutes each day to spend time writing or thinking about what you are grateful for is similar to meditating. You are quieting your brain to focus on the good in your life. This simple activity helps calm you down and reduce stress.
- Similar to reducing stress above, you may experience improved sleep quality! According to a study in Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, spending just ten-fifteen minutes before bed can help you to wind down better. This can allow you to have better sleep quality and even sleep for longer.
- It should come as no surprise that gratitude helps improve your overall health. Just from the few points above, you can see how your mental health could benefit from practicing gratitude. Studies also show that people who practice gratitude regularly are more likely to workout more and have lower blood pressure (hello stress reducer)!
- And my personal favorite – gratitude helps to improve our relationships. You may find yourself more aware of the things other people do and say. Expressing your appreciation to these partners, friends, co-workers, and family members helps to improve upon these relations.
Now that you know why you should do gratitudes and how to be grateful for the simple stuff, it’s time to set aside some time for your gratitude practice! Let me know what you find to be the most critical about practicing gratitude below!