Looking for affirmations for self-confidence? You’ve come to the right place! We’re showing you how to build a strong foundation for self-confidence and self-love!
Let’s talk about self-confidence and self-love! More importantly, why does it seems like as a society, we are severely lacking?
The two seem to go hand-in-hand. Without self-confidence, you can’t have self-love, yet without self-love, you can’t create self-confidence. Talk about tricky! We’re going to help you get into the right mindset to create better self-confidence through a series of self-love affirmations!
We live in a world where social media creates huge deception around how others live their lives. Unfortunately, this makes hundreds of thousands of people doubt their own self-worth each day. While we can’t stop the vicious cycle that we’ve fallen into, we can share affirmations to help you reclaim your self-confidence!
This post will show you 70 affirmations for self-confidence that will help change your life for the better!
Why is Self-love Important
Before we get started, it’s important to understand why you need self-love in your own life. So let’s start with what exactly is self-love. Self-love is the high regard you have for yourself, your well-being, and your happiness. It is an appreciation for yourself exactly as you are.
Self-love teaches us that we don’t need validation from others to feel like we are loved or doing the right thing. Having a strong sense of self-love also means that you probably have higher self-confidence. Self-love shows us that we are whole as we are.
Affirmations for Self Confidence
- I am strong.
- I am love.
- I am light.
- I am joy.
- I am worthy of all that I desire.
- I am fierce.
- My confidence grows stronger each day.
- I love and respect myself.
- I am confident, strong, and successful.
- I express myself freely.
- I am beautiful.
- My body is perfect as it is.
- I can do hard things.
- I am powerful.
- Success comes easily to me.
- I give myself permission to acknowledge my feelings.
- I trust myself.
- I am capable of far more than I realize.
- I am becoming the best version of myself.
- I love my body.
- I love my hair.
- I love my nails.
- I love my stomach.
- I love my strong arms and legs.
- I love my skin.
- I am resilient.
- I accept myself.
- I am loved.
- I radiate confidence and self-respect.
- I am capable.
- I respect myself.
- I am valuable.
- I release all my doubts and insecurities as they no longer serve me.
- I am kind.
- I am a leader.
- I am enough.
- I am worthy.
- I am abundant.
- I am free from the judgment of others.
- I am whole.
- I am complete.
- I overcome all.
- I can do anything.
- I radiate positivity.
- I release the need to criticize myself and others.
- I accept my past mistakes and release any judgment I have around them.
- I have unlimited potential.
- I am courageous.
- I am calm and at peace.
- I let go of what I cannot control.
- I release anxiety and stress.
- I choose happiness and joy.
- I am worthy of my dreams.
- I enrich the lives of those around me.
- I am safe.
- I am heard.
- I can conquer anything.
- I have the power to create the life that I desire.
- I am proud of myself and my achievements.
- I attract positive energy into my life.
- Today’s possibilities are endless.
- My body is a gift.
- I have everything I need to make today a gray day.
- I am healthy, energetic, and optimistic.
- I am constantly attracting everything I desire.
- I am my biggest priority.
- I love who I am.
- I am becoming all that I want to become.
- I am stronger than my fears.
- My energy is magical.
These positive affirmations for self-confidence will help you to build a strong sense of self-love.
How do I say Affirmations?
Now, do you need to say all 70 of these affirmations every single day to promote better self-confidence and self-love? NO! The goal is to show you examples of self-confidence and self-love affirmations.
You should choose ten affirmations that maybe are areas where your struggle and want to feel more confident or positive. You can download the positive affirmation worksheet below to write out your own ten affirmations.
I recommend hanging them on your bathroom mirror or on your nightstand. Put your self-confidence affirmations somewhere where you will see them daily. Maybe look at yourself in the mirror as you speak these affirmations in the beginning so that you make eye contact with yourself as you say them. It helps you to actually believe what you are speaking much faster.
As you keep doing your affirmations, you’ll start to memorize them. I like to say my affirmations in my head when I am walking to work or aloud when I am driving in my car alone. The more you say the affirmations, the more you are speaking about yourself positively which will cultivate your self-confidence and your self-love!
Check out the Printable Affirmations for Better Self-Confidence Worksheets below! Some are pre-filled as a list of ten and you’ll also have the option to write your own or pick your favorite ten affirmations! You can always change your affirmations as you go, nothing is ever set in stone!

If you’re looking for more affirmations or affirmations to focus on different areas of your life, be sure to check out R.M. Winter’s Book, 10,000+ Positive Affirmations for Healthy, Success, Wealth, Love, Happiness, Fitness, Weight Loss, Self Esteem, Confidence, Sleep, Healing, Abundance, Motivational Quotes, and Much More!
He has so many great affirmations to carry with us throughout his book!
Let me know your favorite affirmations for self-confidence and self-love in the comments below!