Tonight I was challenged to take on a volleyball workout! I did a quick YouTube search and was bummed to find most workouts required an actual volleyball. That probably wouldn’t go over well with my apartment building neighbors. I kept hunting until I found Volleyball Agility Training and I knew I had a winner!
For those of you who don’t know me, volleyball is probably on e of my least favorite sports that anyone could possibly ask me to participate in. Maybe it’s because I’m only 5’2 or maybe I just don’t want to get hit in the face with a ball – my hand eye coordination is not exactly up to middle school athlete standard. I once even skipped the social sampler week of Volleyball just to avoid playing- that is how much I don’t care for it!
Ok so you aren’t playing volleyball. What is Volleyball Agility Training?
Agility training is the ability to move and change direction efficiently and quickly. A volleyball agility training focuses on acceleration/deceleration, quick footwork, lateral quickness, and moving in response to a trigger. Agility training is great for volleyball players because they are constantly moving in response to the ball. It’s important to be very aware and quick on your feet while maintaining balance while playing volleyball.
What did you think of the Volleyball Agility Training?
I wasn’t really sure what to expect but I knew I was ready for whatever was to come. I kind of flipped through the video to make sure I could handle it and then decided to jump right in. The video consisted on ladder drills, cone drills, hurdle drills, and volleyball specific drills.
The two girls leading the video look like high school coaches, not a lot of personality but it got the job done. I did each drill for 30 seconds with a 10 second rest in between to make it a little bit of a Tabatta workout. I didn’t have any of the equipment, but let me tell you, you can do ANYTHING with painters tape! I taped out a ladder to my workout mat and used it as my ladder, my cones, and for my hurdles.
My space overall was a little small (hello, I live in an NYC sized apt!) so it was hard to do some of the running drills, but I did my best with the space I have. I also didn’t have a volleyball or net, but still did what I could to get the most authentic volleyball workout in that I could! Next time I am waiting for warmer weather and bringing this workout outdoors.

So you would do it again?
Overall Rating: I will definitely be doing this one again when the weather gets warm. It works some different muscles and really tests those quick movements. I recommend looking into something like this if you want variety in your workouts. It was really nice just to do something different from my usual barre or strength training type of workout.
Checkout the training:
Let me know if you try this one and like it as much as I do!