This morning I forced myself to roll out of bed after less sleep than I like to have starting out the week. Late-night Easter traveling got me. I dragged myself to my closet and was at a loss. I knew we were going to hit 70° today despite being only 48° at the time. This time of year is always hard to find the right outfit for the weather. I started thinking, chambray shirt and black jeans.
What did you wear today?

You guessed it, I threw on a chambray shirt and black jeans. I put on my favorite pair of black jeans only to find that they were so loose! Granted I haven’t worn them in over a year so who even knows when I washed and most importantly, dried them last but they weren’t going to cut it today. Maybe I could donate those next? I moved on to a cropped pair of black Blank NYC Jeans and called it a day.
Something people might not know about me is that I have a huge addiction to shiny shoes. I got my first pair of gold Sperry’s in college and I’ve never looked back. Today I slipped on my favorite silver slides. I looked in the mirror before I left for work and had a last minute though of do people even wear chambray shirts anymore? I was running late so I committed to the look but it left me wondering all day. Is chambray still a thing?! TBD.
After work I usually workout so I slipped on my favorite compression leggings from Old Navy. I know what you are thinking, but these leggings are my absolute favorite! They don’t roll down, are high waisted, the oder comes out of the fabric, and if you can find them on promo, they are only $12.99. Bingo. I threw on a college tank and a New Balance sports bra that I’ve had since high school – can someone tell my why brands don’t make these compression sports bras anymore?

Post workout, I thew on a pair of high waisted Victoria Secret leggings, which I love for lounging. I paired it with a grey t-shirt that I wore HEAVILY at the beginning of the pandemic. It was one of the only shirts I had with my for 3 months – you already know how tricky this was for me. It’s getting stressful trying to decide what I should wear now and save for later this month!
What did you donate?
I found this pair of work leggings with my black jeans. Let be real, I bought these in college when zippers at the bottom of leggings were cool. I can probably count on one hand how many times I have actually worn these. Time to donate!

Today’s Key Takeaway
According to Planet Aid, the average American throws away 70 pounds of clothing per year. YIKES. Donating and re-using textiles is the direction we all need to be heading.
Planet Aid – This non-profit collects items in any condition (including holes and stains). Their goal is to keep clothing out of landfills to help protect our environment. Most of the clothing is sold overseas in developing companies for pennies.
How are you cleaning your closet? Where are your favorite places to donate clothes? I’d love to hear more!