Is the Law of Attraction Planner by Freedom Mastery actually worth it? I’m going over all of the pros and cons and how to make the most out of your planner!
If you’ve been following me for a while now, you know that I am ADDICTED to my daily planner! As we get older and our need for organization and planning becomes bigger, it becomes harder and harder to find the best planner to suit our needs. I stumbled across the Law of Attraction Planner by Freedom Mastery on Amazon in 2018 and have been HOOKED ever since!
Now, I will say, this planner is NOT for everyone. The Freedom Mastery Planner is more than just a planner with months, daily, and hourly slots for planning. What I love about this planner is that it is truly a life goals planner. It allows you to dream big and then forces you to break down your dreams into goals and small actionable steps to help achieve each goal over the course of the week, month, and year. I know you’re thinking what do I even mean by that?! Let’s dive a little deeper…
This post will show you how to maximize the use of your Law of Attraction Planner while exploring the pros and cons to help you decide if this is the best planner for you!
Heads Up: I am in no way affiliated with Freedom Mastery, I am genuinely just obsessed with their yearly Law of Attraction planner!
Is the Law of Attraction Planner Actually Worth it?
What is the Law of Attraction Planner?
The Freedom Mastery Law of Attraction Planner is a 248-page yearly planner that allows you to look at your schedule from a monthly view and weekly view with each day broken down into half-hour increments. This planner is SO MUCH MORE than a daily planner though! The rest of the pages are filled with worksheets to help you figure out what it is that you want most in your life and what goals you should be going after this year to help get you closer to those dreams. After you determine your goals for the year, the planner helps you break down those goals into smaller monthly and weekly goals to help you move the needle. By the time you hit December, you can look back and see a clear path of how far you’ve come over the past year!
The Law of Attraction Planner by Freedom Mastery is also full of informational pages. These help you understand how you’re feeling and what your energy levels look like each day. They also provide tips on how to change your vibration to put you into a better emotional state. The first 27 pages of the planner are worksheets that you would typically find in a goal planner. You don’t have to do these worksheets right at the beginning of the year, but it helps to spend some time doing them early on. They will allow you to see where you are right now in your life versus wherever you want to be! These eye-opening goal-planning activities often enlighten us about what it is that we truly want so we can figure out better how to achieve those things.
What Do I Mean By That?
You might have a dream to own a beach home one day or buy a new car this year. Your goals may be long-term of short-term goals, or somewhere in between! These worksheets let you think of everything that you really want in life and then pick the ones that you want to achieve this year. Maybe the beach home is in your 10-year plan, but buying a car is something you want to achieve this year.
After you decide that you want to buy a new car this year, you have to do research to figure out what car you want to buy. You look at different manufacturers of cars, different makes and models, and eventually look at different body and trim colors. Aside from the research, you also have to test drive the car wherever you can find it in stock at a price that is within your budget. Then you have to find a loan provider who will get you the best deal. And even after you figure out all of that, then you need to get car insurance and register your car. The Law of Attraction Planner helps you to break down your goal of “buying a car” into much smaller actionable steps that you can achieve over the course of the week, month, or even year. You decide your pace and this planner keeps you on track!
The Nitty Gritty Stuff
I always buy the B5 paper-sized planner which is 7.5” x 10”. This planner truly looks like a book that I carry around EVERYWHERE! The A5 is slightly smaller at 6” x 8.5” which is nice if you have a smaller purse and you want to carry this around each day. These planners are not spiral-bound, so they only lay open flat. Each planner is filled with weekly motivational quotes and comes with stickers for certain events and reminders. At the end of each month, you’ll find a monthly recap page and a page for notes that looks like a bullet journal. At the back of the planner, you will find 40 additional pages of these bullet journal-like pages for your own notes as well.
Dated or Undated
Whether you prefer your planner to be dated or undated is a personal preference! I personally love a dated calendar because it takes the work out of setting up your planner, it’s ready to go when you open it! If you are looking to get a planner in May or October, you might want an undated planner so you can just start wherever you personally are in the calendar year. Freedom Mastery also offers an Undated 90-Day Planner. If you are someone who loves a 90-day game plan, this planner might actually be the best option for you! You should buy whichever Law of Attraction planner is the best fit for your needs!
How to Get the Most Out Of the Law of Attraction Planner?
I am going to show you how I use this planner to help me stay on top of my own goals. These goals range from anything, personal, physical, financial, and professional. You can choose to mimic how I use this planner or use it however you wish! This is just a guide to help get your wheels spinning!
Yearly Goals

At the very end of the planner starts the 40 pages of blank note pages. I always set up my first blank page with a list of my top 10 goals for the year. Next to the goals, I write out a numbered list of the number of books I want to read for the year and leave it blank so I can fill them in as the year goes on. Below these two columns, I write out a list of charities I would like to donate to this year and a list of places that I would like to travel to. The travel list is because I enjoy traveling (it’s OK if that’s not your thing!) and I never know where to go when planning a trip! Throughout the year, I continually write down places that people recommend or places that I think sound cool. The list is always growing!
Lastly, at the bottom of the page, I write down my color key for the year. For those of you who don’t know, I am one of those people who organizes everything by color because it’s easier for my brain to read – yes I am talking about everything from clothes to puzzle pieces to notes! I have been obsessed with Frixion Erasable Pens since 2015! I used to use their 10-pack of colors until I needed more color options and went crazy with their 15 Color Pack. Each color represents a different category or activity that I need to pour energy into each week.
Monthly Planner Page

The monthly page in the Law of Attraction Planner is broken down into 4 core sections. You have your actual monthly calendar view and on the left side of the calendar, you write your main goal for the month and how you are going to reward yourself if your goal is achieved. You also decide on your own feel-good intention for the month (I usually check Pinterest for some inspiration) and a section to write out whatever skills and habits you want to learn this month to help bring you closer to achieving your goals! Below the calendar on the left page, you will find a section that focuses on your three biggest goals for the month. You decide how you are going to reward yourself for each goal and then list out whatever action steps you need to take to help you achieve that goal. Below the calendar on the right page is a section for notes. I love to put blog post ideas for the month, names of things, books, websites, etc. I have seen online or heard about from other people that I want to check out, and other random shorthand notes that I want to swing back to. If I am at a workshop or taking longer notes or brainstorming, I usually use the larger note section at the back of the planner!
Weekly Planner Page

Diving even deeper into the weekly planner pages, you’ll find your Sunday-Saturday weekly setup broken down into half-hour increments between 5 am and 10 pm. The left side has a place for you to put your big goal of the week along with the reward you’ll get for achieving said goal. Often my rewards are to partake in my weekend social plans if I get whatever I am trying to achieve done. Sometimes my reward is booking a trip, or just eating ice cream (I LOVE ice cream). The best part is that you get to set your own rewards!
Did you know that you are more likely to sustain habit-building if you link a reward to the habit you are trying to build? This creates positive reinforcement!
Below the goal of the week section, you’ll find a blank list for “This Week’s Priority” from most important to least important. I try to list out all of the major things I am trying to get done that week. It might be to run 5 miles, book an air b-n-b, post a specific blog post, pay a bill, call the health insurance company – really anything big or small that needs to get taken care of that week.
In the Positive Habit Maker section, you’ll find the pre-loaded healthy habits of practicing Gratitude/Love, meditating, and exercising. I fill the empty lines with the same list each week of habits that I am trying to create in my life. Most of the time, I am not close to checking off every box so don’t be too hard on yourself if you aren’t either! Before I go to bed each night, I like to review 3 successes for the day and set my intention for the next day. To do this, I use the little note section on the right side of the weekly planner page to list out 3 things that I am glad I was able to get done today. This helps you to feel accomplished right before you go to bed!
Next, I go up to the top of the page. Each day has a spot for you to write down a daily goal/reward and 3 priorities you want to get done for the day. To set my intention for the next day, I write out 1-3 things that I would like to get done in the daily priorities section. This way when you open your planner tomorrow, you already know what you need to accomplish!
I don’t typically fill out the water tracker at the bottom of each day and I find the To-Do List at the bottom of the left page to be redundant. Instead, I might put a note or two there or use it to track my weekly spending. Since I am not someone to ever put anything on my calendar before 9am, I find the top part of the day to be a waste of space. I have gone through different phases, sometimes I put whatever I plan to cook for lunch/dinner there. Other times, each morning I will write “Today I Attract XYZ into my life”– remember this is all about manifestation! And if I really want to track my spending a little bit more closely, I will write out whatever I purchase each day and tally it all up in the bottom To-Do List section at the end of the week. You can use that extra space however you wish if you don’t need it for its intended use!
Note: The 90-Day Undated Planner offers a more concise daily planner page that helps you go over each of your wins for the day!
Reflect On Your Month

At the end of each month’s section in the Law of Attraction planner, you will find a section titled “Reflect on Your Month”. These two pages are the most underrated pages in your entire planner! Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t always recap my month or fill this section out fully, but it is definitely helpful! It takes you through celebrating what you achieved this month and what you learned while forcing you to look at where you missed the mark and why so that you can plan to face those issues head-on next month.
Not sure if this is the Best Planner for you?
Don’t worry, I’m simplifying the Pros and Cons into the list below!
- Offers Monthly, Weekly, and Hourly breakdowns for organizing your life
- Has an Online Guide to show how to make the most out of your planner
- Comes with free stickers to use throughout the calendar and in the notes sections
- Extensive Note Section so you can carry everything in one place
- Two Ribbons to hold your spot on the Month/Week and an elastic to keep your place in the notes section
- Comes in a Variety of Colors
- Pages are big enough to see and work with easily
- A lot of the upfront content can be overwhelming
- Duplicated “To-Do” list on the weekly pages
- The timeframe on the Weekly Planner Pages is from 5 am – 10 pm
- No Address book section like traditional planners (does anyone really use that anyway?)
- B5 size can be large for some people
So Is This Planner Right for Me?
Now the million dollar question, is the Law of Attraction Planner right for me? If you’re looking for the best productivity planner or goal-setting planner, this is 100% for you! Freedom Mastery’s Law of Attraction Planner can be overwhelming at first, but once you dive into what you really want, you’ll find this tool to be extremely useful for planning out your life and achieving your goals. If you believe in manifestation or are the slightest bit open to learning more about manifesting, this planner complements those ideas perfectly. Now, this planner is NOT for everyone and that’s OK. If you’ve read this far, chances are you are going to find the perfect match with this calendar book!
I hope you enjoy the Law of Attraction Planner as much as I do and find that it is the perfect tool to help you live a balanced and healthy lifestyle while achieving all that you set out to accomplish!