Have you been thinking about trying SLT Workout? We’re going to walk you through the ins and outs of SLT so you’ll be feeling ready for your first class!
SLT is the workout that has been taking New York by storm over the past decade! You’re probably wondering, what the heck is SLT? SLT stands for Strengthen Lengthen Tone, and you can expect just that out of every workout! SLT is a studio focusing on Lagree Fitness, which uses a pilates megaformer for each workout. If you’ve never seen a megaformer machine, think pilates reformer machine with two platforms on each end of the carriage. While a magaformer and a reformer pilates machine look mildly similar, the workouts are incredibly different. If you’re thinking about attending an SLT class, prepare to burn your muscles for 50 minutes, and expect to be sweating when you leave!
This post is about how to make the most out of your SLT workout using a meagaformer pilates machine.
Is Megaformer Pilates the same as Reformer Pilates?
Before we get started, it’s important to understand the difference between a megaformer and a reformer. I walked into my first SLT class thinking that I knew what I was doing since I’d been to quite a few reformer pilates classes through Classpass. Boy was I in for a surprise! A reformer machine was built based on the idea of a hospital bed. The machine itself has one carriage that moves back and forth and you work out using the machine front to back. A megaformer however, includes one carriage with a platform at the front and back of the machine so that you can work from either side for varied resistance. While the reformer is meant to add resistance and challenge your body while doing low-impact pilates, the megaformer adds in a bit of cardio mixed with instability, resistance, and of course pilates. It’s still low-impact, but let me tell you, there is no way you won’t leave an SLT workout COVERED in sweat!

What is an SLT Workout class like?
The First 5 Minutes of Class
Every class runs for 50 minutes and is open to all levels. While SLT doesn’t offer a variety of different classes, every class will work your glutes, legs, arms, and core. If it’s your first time in the studio, your instructor will walk you through the key components of the megaformer prior to your workout. Don’t worry if it all doesn’t sink in immediately! Your instructor will call out what move you’re doing next, where on the machine you are performing said move, and what to make your spring load. Be sure to stretch briefly before class starts at your machine! The class starts with a quick warmup that will get your heart pumping before moving to the more difficult moves. Don’t worry if you think the warmup itself is challenging – we all start somewhere!
The Core of an SLT Class
While every instructor structures their class a little differently, you will typically completely work one side of your body and then switch to the other side after some arms and abs. All moves are done in a series of 60 seconds. The instructor usually lets you know when you’ve hit the 30-second mark. When there are 15 seconds remaining, they will start repeating instructions for what move is coming next and any adjustments you’ll need to make on the machine. An SLT class does require a lot of listening while trying not to die performing each move – easy right? Oh and one last thing – you don’t ever stop moving! Be sure to grab a quick sip of water as you are changing up your spring load!
Slow and Steady Pace
I also want to note that one of the biggest differences between an SLT (or any Lagree Fitness class) and every other workout, is that your body is meant to move VERY SLOWLY here. Everything is done in a 4-count in each direction. By moving so slowly, you are activating your slow-twitch muscle fibers which will, in turn, develop your muscles in a very low-impact environment. Bonus – when moving so slowly you are able to have better control over your form which will ensure you are doing the move properly and prevent any injuries!
Why is Form so Important?
If you have followed along for my Month of 28 Different Workouts, you would know that I am a STICKLER for form! I have been to far too many gym classes where the instructor rushes you through a movement because they care more about your speed than anything else. While I do agree that speed is important for HIIT workouts, FORM ALWAYS COMES FIRST. I have stopped going to certain studios or specific instructors who are not so cautious about form. I have found that SLT instructors across the board are equally as aware and concerned about your form as I am. Without proper form, you can really hurt yourself! To protect your knees, your knees should always be over in ankles in almost any move you ever do in any gym setting. You should always be able to see your toes past your knees! Unfortunately, you can also really hurt your back if your tailbone isn’t tucked under properly in certain moves – not just while using a megaformer machine! Your instructor will be walking throughout your class to check on your form and make corrections to help you have a better workout and to keep your body safe!
What about Modifications?
Since each class is open to all levels, the instructor will offer modifications with each move which will be helpful if you find yourself struggling a little bit. On the flip side, if you are looking to challenge yourself even more, the instructor will usually give you another option to want to step it up. This allows everyone to experience a class that pushes themselves to work a little harder, but not over the top where you are miserable or could get hurt. Your SLT instructor will also give you a spring load recommendation for each series of moves. For instance, they typically will say 3-5 yellow springs with one red spring. Three would be your lighter option while 5 would be more challenging. You know your body best, so do what feels comfortable yet somewhat challenging for you! It’s not about what your neighbor is doing or even what you did last time you were in class. There are so many factors that play into where you are today when you show up for your workout, such as water and food intake as well as your energy levels.
How Many Calories Will I Burn During an SLT Workout?
Before diving into this one, I want to remind you that you should work out because you enjoy challenging your mind and body, and not for the calorie count! A Lagree Fitness class like SLT is a slow-burn metabolic workout. So while most people will burn 300-600 calories in class (remember everybody is DIFFERENT), you will actually continue to burn calories for up to 36 hours after! Makes all of that pain in the moment not so bad after all?
Anything else I should know?
The most important part! Don’t forget your grip socks! Most megaformer pilates studios will not let you work out without grip socks for your own safety and SLT is no different! My FAVORITE grip socks are the Barre socks by Cooque from Amazon. They come in a 4-pack for a reasonable price and actually have a good grip for all of your barre and pilates classes. I’m not even lying when I say I keep a pair in my purse and a pair in my jacket just in case! You can also usually buy a pair in the studio if you need to as well.
One last thing to note – you WILL be sore within 24 hours. It’s the beauty of the workout! You will work muscles you never even knew existed! Typically, the more your show up to class the easier it gets, but trust me your body will still be working hard and most likely somewhat sore every time you do it. Whatever you do, don’t get discouraged! You can do this and you’ll only get better the more you go!
This post was all about how to make the most out of your SLT workout class.
So to wrap this all up, is SLT a good workout? HECK YES! You might hate every second of it and count down the minutes through your sweat, but your body will be sore in the best way possible after class. I hope you fall in love with SLT workouts the way that I have. The megaformer pilates machine once scared me and now I am crazy enough to even consider purchasing one for myself!